READY FOR THE FUTURE—德马格宁波标准厂房扩建项目进行中

Construction of the standard plant expansion project /标准厂房扩建项目动工新建

January 2023. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag China has hosted a groundbreaking ceremony in the presence of local political figures at its Ningbo site, welcoming the start of construction for its new 4,000 square metre production hall. Attended by the mayor and city councillors from the Beilun district, CEO Pietro Scattarreggia marked the occasion announcing that the bigger facility sets the path for future growth, creating 50 new jobs and doubling production capacity.

2023 年 1 月,住友(SHI)德马格在宁波工厂举办了奠基仪式,庆祝4,000平方米新生产车间的开工建设。北仑区区委政要出席了会议, 首席执行官Pietro Scattarreggia在场宣布,扩建工厂是为未来的增长铺平道路,这一项目将创造出50个工作岗位,产能也将翻一番。

Demag leadership team poses in front of the excavator/德马格领导团队在挖掘机前合影

Granted permission to commence construction towards the end of 2022, Scattarreggia reports that the new facility is set to open in autumn 2023 to coincide with the Group’s 25th production anniversary in China. Putting into context the enormous market potential, the CEO affirmed that the Asian market in general, particularly automotive and electromobility in China, is booming. “Having experienced the strongest performance in the company’s history in 2021 and subsequent economic slowdown last year as a result of coronavirus policy restrictions, the future outlook remains very positive,” Scattarreggia /confirm/is.


large tonnage machine:Systec 1300/大吨位机器:Systec 1300

The expansion of the Ningbo production hall not only gives the team more space to manufacture more machines, but also expand production to include the larger tonnage Systec Servo machines. “Until now, our production has been limited to machines with clamp forces up to 1,000 tons. Given the demand for larger precision components, being able to extend our product portfolio up to 1,500 tons means we can drastically reduce delivery times for customers in China and Asia,” reports Scattarreggia. He cites this above all else as the strategic rationale for the expansion.


With its hybrid drive concept, the Systec Servo series, characterised by its absolute precision, excellent stability and durability, offers manufacturers of automotive, white goods and consumer components a powerful and energy efficient system. With full process integration for flexible and versatile production of larger components.


The Systec series is ideally suited to these processing requirements, reports Scattarreggia. To support the manufacturing of these larger and heavier machines, the Ningbo production hall is installing stronger cranes.


7,000 square meters of new solar systems /7,000平方米的新太阳能系统

Additionally, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag China remains committed to reducing its production carbon footprint. An installation of a new solar system measuring 7,000 square metres last September means that the facility can operate virtually independent of the local energy supply, claims the CEO.


In recent years, many production sites in China have felt the impact of power rationing. With a solar source, the Ningbo facility will no longer be affected by future rations. “This is of great significance for production stability,” ends Scattarreggia.


Sumitomo (SHI) Demag has shaped the development of the plastics industry from its very beginning. As a specialist for injection moulding machines for plastics processing, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag and its Japanese parent company are leading the industry.


The global development and production network of Sumitomo Heavy Industries and Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is comprised of four facilities in Japan, Germany and China with more than 3,100 employees. The product portfolio includes all-electric, hydraulic and hybrid injection moulding machines with clamping forces of between 500 and 15.000 kN. With more than 159,000 installed machines, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is present in important global markets and ranks among the largest manufacturers of injection moulding machines in the world.

住友重工和住友(SHI)德马格的全球开发和生产网络由日本、德国和中国的四家工厂组成,,员工超过3,000人。产品组合包括锁模力在500至15,000 kN之间的全电动、液压和液电混合注塑机。凭借超过159,000台已安装的机器,住友(SHI)德马格在全球重要市场占有一席之地,是全球最大的注塑机制造商之一。

At Sumitomo’s headquarters in Chiba, Japan, the company manufactures machines with clamping forces in the small to medium range. Nearly 95 % of all delivered machines are equipped with an all-electric drive concept. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s German facilities in Schwaig and Wiehe produce the Systec Servo range with hybrid drive as well as the El-Exis SP and Systec SP range of high-speed, high-performance machines. The all-electric IntElect range for international customers is also being produced in Germany.

在住友总部的日本千叶,公司主要制造锁模力为中小型的机器。近95%的交付机器都配备了全电动驱动技术。住友(SHI)德马格在Schwaig和Wiehe的德国工厂生产混合动力驱动的Systec Servo系列以及El-Exis SP和Systec SP系列高速高性能机器。面向国际客户的全电动IntElect系列机器也在德国生产。

As early as 1998, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag set up its first production site in Ningbo/China. In 2015, the Chinese subsidiary Demag Plastics Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. installed a new facility with a 13,000 m² floor space. It is earmarked for the production of the Systec C range with clamping forces of between 500 and 10,000 kN for the Asian market.

早在1998年,住友(SHI)德马格就在中国宁波设立了第一个生产基地。2015年,中国子公司德马格塑料机械(宁波)有限公司开辟了一个占地13,000平方米的新工厂。它专门用于为亚洲市场生产锁模力在500至10,000 kN之间的Systec C系列。

In addition to injection moulding machines, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag offers customised and standardised systems for the part handling automation, technical and process solutions for special applications, tailored services and service concepts as well as a range of financial options to support investment in injection moulding machines.


With its comprehensive sales and service network of subsidiaries and agencies, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is present in all major markets.


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